Happy international crochet day!

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Today, in our day, I would like to share with you how my love affair with crochet began.
It wasn’t thanks to a super grandmother or at school, it was thanks to someone leaving a crochet magazine on one of the planes of the company for which I worked at that time.
I kept it out of curiosity (since I didn’t know anything about crochet) to read later.
When I had the time to investigate it, it was like discovering a book of magic recipes (No one can tell me that crochet is not magic! We have our magic wand -hook- and with it we can make incredible things appear! Ok, not instantly, it takes a little longer, but we do!) and in that magazine I found something that I didn’t know I was looking for and that would change my life forever. And since the day that that magazine found me (the one you see in this post and that I keep as a treasure) I have not stopped learning and creating almost every day of my life. And for that I am very, very grateful. Thank you person who forgot the magazine and the serendipities in our lives! Happy day crochet sorceresses! 💜

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